Monday, March 20, 2006

UK: It’s Peak Gas we need to worry about, not Peak Oil…

It seems despite all the talk of peak oil, that the UK’s downfall might actually end up coming about from peak gas. This last week has been quite extraordinary, with the beginnings of a real crisis for the UK energy sector, not that, unless you were reading the Guardian over the last week, you would actually have heard much about it. Even there, most of the coverage has missed the point and glossed over the larger picture. The place I have learnt the most about what is happening over the week has been from the just-launched UK version of The Oil Drum, which promises to do for the UK what The Oil Drum has done for the US and the rest of the world. Chris Vernon’s insights on the gas crisis have been very illuminating and I recommend it highly. So why is peak gas a more pressing issue than peak oil?

( Full story here )


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