Wednesday, May 03, 2006

On the Flip Side - Escalating U.S. Energy Crisis a Delight to Others

The U.S. government has recognized the worldwide oil crisis of today and has spent billions of dollars researching and developing alternative energy sources. In 2005, the Bush Administration signed the first energy bill to be passed in over 10 years, and today a mad rush to find cost-efficient fuel for America’s demand is in high effect.

For many years the popular talk of the day has been global warming and the greenhouse effect, how industrialized nations are emitting endless amounts of carbon dioxide and other toxins into the atmosphere, burning holes straight through the ozone layer. But why is it that only recently people are being concerned with the other side of the coin, the possibility that soon we will no longer be spewing greenhouse gases from our cars because we will have run out of CO2-releasing fuels to consume?

( Full story here )


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