The Suburban Fantasy
James Howard Kunstler
James Howard Kunstler is the author of The Long Emergency, just released in paperback by The Atlantic Monthly Press.
It’s actually kind of funny to hear Americans complain these days about the cost of gasoline and how it is affecting their lives. What did they expect after setting up an easy-motoring utopia of suburban metroplexes that make incessant driving inevitable? And how did they fail to register the basic facts of the world oil situation, which have been available to us for decades?
( full story here )
James Howard Kunstler is the author of The Long Emergency, just released in paperback by The Atlantic Monthly Press.
It’s actually kind of funny to hear Americans complain these days about the cost of gasoline and how it is affecting their lives. What did they expect after setting up an easy-motoring utopia of suburban metroplexes that make incessant driving inevitable? And how did they fail to register the basic facts of the world oil situation, which have been available to us for decades?
( full story here )
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