I recently shared some updated thoughts on the prospects for a Greater Depression with readers of our International Speculator newsletter. Given the increasing levels of volatility sweeping global markets, I decided to give those thoughts a broader airing, below, if for no other reason than to help those of you in a position to rig for stormy weather get a sense of the gathering storm.
Hopefully, I’ll be wrong about what’s coming. But the way I see it, being aware and prepared follows the same basic logic as personal gun ownership: better to have one and not need it, than to need one and not have it. You get the idea.
( Full story here )
Hopefully, I’ll be wrong about what’s coming. But the way I see it, being aware and prepared follows the same basic logic as personal gun ownership: better to have one and not need it, than to need one and not have it. You get the idea.
( Full story here )
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